If you received an email from Dotpost (dotpost@cfh.com) something has happened in your Dotpost account. The email will explain the activity.
You may have set this account up some time ago to receive appointments or other communications from a trusted organisation such as your hospital, your doctor's surgery or your council.
To access your account, please login using the email address that Dotpost knows (i.e. the email address that Dotpost sent to) at dotpost.com. If you cannot remember your password please use the forgot your password link on the login screen.
Dotpost will send out different types of emails relating to your account. These system emails relate to some activity on your account . The most common email is the New Document Notification email. This is sent when one of your senders (trusted organisations) has sent you a new document. You can control how often you receive this notification in Notification Settings in My Dotpost.